The name Keisuke Ito is one that is given a lot of respect in the medical field and it is also quite revered in several scientific fields of study. After all, he was a noted physician and naturalist but what most people fail to be aware of is that the name “Keisuke Ito” wasn’t the one that he was born with. No, when he was born in Nagoya city back in the year 1903 or Kyowa 3 as, he was known by another name entirely which was Gofuku-cho. His father’s name was Gendo Nishimaya and he happened to be a doctor himself which leaves no doubt as to why Keisuke Ito, or Gofuku-cho developed an interest in medicine. From a very early age, he learned he was already learning about his father’s profession and brushing up on Confucianism and medicine with the help and support of his father.