thank you for time you given me, I wrote it today and I will have exam on 21 DEC, what is your opinion about my writing? could I achieve 28 in writing? thank you so much
Some people believed that the best teachers in the one’s life are our teachers which give us the newest and update knowledge and advice to us, while others have a opposite view about this and they said the best teachers in our life are our parents. In what follows, all reasons posited by that both group will be discussed and then my view will be delineated.
People who said best teachers are our teachers, presents three reasons to support their claim, first, our parents are very biased by their love and cloud not guide us properly. Second, by getting older parents become more conservative and they are not always objective towards fashion and new things, in the other words, parents are not professional teachers. Third, the children unconsciously copies their parent’s behavior and patterns. May be they are not suitable and proper pattern to copy from.
When the children become growing, especially in teenage, they don’t accept any advice from parents. In this situation the teachers are best one.
Other people have different opinions about this topic. They strongly believed that the best teachers we have are our parents. They poised some reasons which are states as follows. First, parents know us very well, they teach us to speak, to walk, and they know our merit and demerits. Second, parents possessed many valuable experiences of life which can help children in many obstacles and problems. Thirds, parents teach every thing to their children without reservation.
In my point of view, parents are the best teachers during every one’s life. They are the first persons who help us to speak, to walk. They affect our life via their behaviors and morals. They prepare us to appear better to society. Although teachers give us board knowledge, their views and approaches towards us are very limited. Parents have not any limitations to teach their children. They do everything for us without any reservation and expectation, because they love us for ourselves.
thank you for time you given me, I wrote it today and I will have exam on 21 DEC, what is your opinion about my writing? could I achieve 28 in writing? thank you so much Some people believed that the best teachers in the one’s life are our teachers which give us the newest and update knowledge and advice to us, while others have a opposite view about this and they said the best teachers in our life are our parents. In what follows, all reasons posited by that both group will be discussed and then my view will be delineated.People who said best teachers are our teachers, presents three reasons to support their claim, first, our parents are very biased by their love and cloud not guide us properly. Second, by getting older parents become more conservative and they are not always objective towards fashion and new things, in the other words, parents are not professional teachers. Third, the children unconsciously copies their parent’s behavior and patterns. May be they are not suitable and proper pattern to copy from. When the children become growing, especially in teenage, they don’t accept any advice from parents. In this situation the teachers are best one.Other people have different opinions about this topic. They strongly believed that the best teachers we have are our parents. They poised some reasons which are states as follows. First, parents know us very well, they teach us to speak, to walk, and they know our merit and demerits. Second, parents possessed many valuable experiences of life which can help children in many obstacles and problems. Thirds, parents teach every thing to their children without reservation. In my point of view, parents are the best teachers during every one’s life. They are the first persons who help us to speak, to walk. They affect our life via their behaviors and morals. They prepare us to appear better to society. Although teachers give us board knowledge, their views and approaches towards us are very limited. Parents have not any limitations to teach their children. They do everything for us without any reservation and expectation, because they love us for ourselves.
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