It's all part of the public's never-ending desire for human interest stories," said Clare rather bitterly. We have write what sells papers. It's not something I'm particularly happy about, but that's how it is In fact, Clare was very unhappy about the direction her work was taking. That was the problem: since the paper had been taken over by an American businessman, it And that was not just her opinion. had gone been written in other Hundreds of newspaper articles had the Daily papers and magazines about the changes at News. In one article, a man shed always believed was a friend, her name had even been mentioned as someone who was helping to lower the standards. At first shed been angry, because his words had hurt. But she knew he was right. Andrew came back with another couple of drinks and said, "Listen, do you want me to come with you to Zermatt to get grandfather?' "No, there's no need. I can't imagine there'll be any problems. In any case, I think Mum is more upset by all this than she's saying. So it'll be good to have you here, in case, said Clare. She didn't tell him that she was glad to be going to Zermatt. Collecting Grandfather seemed like a good way of escaping from her empty life if only for a short time. What do you think Mum wants to show us?' said Andrew. Maybe there's some dark secret about Grandfather that we don't know about," laughed Clare. 'Well if there is, you'll certainly want to know all about it," said Andrew "You