Inbound tourism covers all international tourist traffic entering a Domestic tourism accounts for 75 per cent of all tourism in
country. It is also known as ‘export tourism’ (Australia is the export), Australia. International visitors make up the remaining 25 per cent.
because although tourists enjoy their travel experience within International tourists usually travel for longer and spend more
Australia, they are paying for it using foreign currency. Inbound money than domestic travellers.
tourism is big business in Australia with the tourism export sector
worth $26 billion.
visitor arrival details are published on a monthly basis by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Tourism Forecasting
Committee (TFC) publishes forecasts for Australian inbound
travel twice a year. The International visitor Survey (IvS) is
published quarterly by Tourism Research Australia and is the
most comprehensive source of information on international
visitors to Australia. The IvS samples 40,000 departing, short-term
international travellers over the age of 15 years who have been
visiting Australia.
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Tourism Australia Research
The vast majority of Australian operators concentrate on marketing
their product domestically and then market to international
travellers once they have secured a foothold at home. While
marketing your product to international travellers has many
benefits, there are a number of differences between domestic and
international tourism markets.
Key Points
! It is important to understand that overseas markets
are very competitive. not only are you competing
against companies that provide similar products,
you are also competing against other international
destinations. Selling your region and educating
travellers about your destination and its attributes
is often the first step in selling your product