Well all is good here on the mainland with the exception of the fact that i am surrounded by emotions of missing you.I"m hoping that you are in good sorts.
Once again i am in AWE with the woman sitting at the other end of this screen. It is so amazing how i feel about you. I feel like i could never get enough of you.
I see you have already tried to imagine the type of person i am, well i have been told that i am a unique individual, my view and opinions on life are quite different from most.
I believe that i cannot change the past, but i most definitely can make the future .. My past relationship is a hell night mere. Now, I am blessed with a second chance to life which has shown me that life is a gift and i must cherish every moment of it, good, bad and indifferent. I believe in fate and destiny and have always been in search of something that i'm quite not sure exists...then came you.
thanks with the flower
Well all is good here on the mainland with the exception of the fact that i am surrounded by emotions of missing you.I"m hoping that you are in good sorts.
Once again i am in AWE with the woman sitting at the other end of this screen. It is so amazing how i feel about you. I feel like i could never get enough of you.
The understanding of speech lessness is oh so real to me, for you have been able to knock the wind from my chest. The thought of you has consumed my every waking hour. know dear
I have longed for so long for that someone who cares to take the time to know me for who i am. A person who enjoys the company of another. One who is satisfied with sitting in the sand and holding me while the sun sets. One who can look into my eyes and know that my heart belongs to her.
I have been deployed to Nigeria for two years now and we will all be coming home this year. My emotions are true and when i FALL i fall hard. My intentions are pure and wish for the same in return. I am not looking for a one night stand or a roll in the hay but i am looking for a life time of Love. I am looking for someone who makes my tummy flutter by every time i see or think of her