Table II shows a repeated pattern of work related symptoms occurring to excess in the air conditioned and mechanically
ventilated buildings compared with the naturally ventilated ones. Table III confirms the excesses in each building compared with the naturally ventilated buildings. This excess of symptoms in the air conditioned and mechanically ventilated buildings was also present in the three pairs of buildings in which the workers were interviewed blind: buildings 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and 8 and 9. A complex of symptoms affecting the nose, eyes, and mucous membranes with headache, dry skin, and lethargy emerged. These symptoms were, with one exception (nasal symptoms in building 3), most prevalent in the two buildings (buildings 5 and 8) in which dissatisfaction among the workforce"had led to a request for an independent examination of the air conditioning system (table III). In these two buildings one further symptom emerged: itchiness of the skin.