‘Never leave your bag unattended on the back of shopping trolleys or on pushchairs.
‘always make sure that your bags are securely fastened.
‘if you bag has a strap, wear it across your body with the openings facing inwards, and hold it close to your body.
‘never put your bag on the floor to look at anything on the shelves or when trying on clothing in changing rooms.
‘only keep items in your bag that your need, and leave other valuables in a safe place at.
‘if you do not have a bag hold your purse/wallet close to your body or carry it in a concealed front pocket.
‘keep your cash card separate from your cheque book.
‘always remain aware of what is going on around you.
Report any incidents to the police straight away and cancel any stolen bank and credit cards immediately. If you have any information about anyode involved in crime, call crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.