From the stairs, go down one step and then, walk right, until you are stopped
by a skeleton in the floor. Nothing much to learn, but if you carry on to the
right wall you can walk freely down the side of the wall. There's a treasure
chest in the lower right corner with a [POTION]. Walk along the lower wall all
the way to the left to find a door. You can also walk freely up the left wall
where you'll find 5 switches on the floor. The area just to the right of this
wall is empty space, and also three steps down from the upper wall, three up
from the lower wall. This make a central area that's still covered in fog.
Stand close to it and use the LIGHT BALL. This clears a portion of the fog and
you can then remove it safely to reveal three numbers on the floor: 3,4,2.
(Each number is 3 steps wide and 5 steps in length.)
Now, go to the switches. They are numbered down from 1 - 5, starting near the
stairs. Press those numbers in that order: 3, then 4, then 2, to open the door
to the left side of the room. This section of the floor is clear of fog apart
from the central walled room.
Place any item (that includes the Meat from an enemy drop) on the top or
bottom of the three switches next to the wall that keeps on disappearing to the
right of the well. That will secure the opening and you can walk through. An
ELEMENTAL enemy will appear and have to be defeated. Charged attacks on its
weak spot often miss, and an alternative is to attack any other part. Use the
Ray Stone to slow it down and that helps make some of its attack miss. Be
prepared to use a Potion to heal if it manages a critical hit.
Use the WIRE ROPE on the well and drop down to the floor below. You're now in
the central area that you couldn't access before this. Take the [SOLAR SWORD]
Level 16 and equip it. You can simply drop the Wooden Stick on the floor as you
won't need this now, and equip the new sword. Return up the wire rope (and pick
it up again: don't leave it in place) and head all the way to the top left
corner of the room to find the [KEY]. Go back to the right side of the room and
use the KEY to open the door on the lower wall. Walk left and up the stairs to
the next