Due to the high combustion temperature and extremely fast SHSreaction of the Cu–Ti–B4C system in the liquid steel, the knowledgeof microscopic reaction behavior involved in these processes is stillquite limited. Thus, the SHS experiments were firstly conducted ina self-made vacuum vessel filled with Ar at 1 atm. In order to obtainsome guidance to understand the fabrication, the unit region in the bionic composite material was investigated. The Cu–Ti–B4C systemcompacts were ignited on the graphite flat which was placed at thetop of tungsten electrode and heated by the heat of arc. A small hole(2 mm in diameter and 2 mm in depth) was drilled at the top of thecompact. A thermocouple pair of W/Re5-W/Re26 (0.5 mm in diam-eter) was inserted into the hole and connected with a temperatureacquisition system which can record the temperature over time.The current in this experiment was selected as 90 A. More detailsabout the experimental apparatus and procedure for the SHS reac-tion were given in the previous paper [25]. In addition, the ignitionprocess of the reactions in the Cu–Ti–B4C system was also studiedusing the differential thermal analysis (DTA, Rigaku-8150, Japan)experiments. The experiments were conducted in the argon gaswith flow rate of 60 ml/min heated by 40◦C/min.