Strictly speaking, the emission performance comparison of gasoline
and methanol under fixed load condition should be based on
brake specific emission [16], considering that engine fueled with
methanol inducted less air compared to that of gasoline due to the
improved thermal efficiency, which has an obvious effect on the absolute
emission mass. However, in this paper, due to the limitation
of the emission measurement facility, the HC, CO and NOx emissions
can only be presented in the form of volume concentration.
Strictly speaking, the emission performance comparison of gasolineand methanol under fixed load condition should be based onbrake specific emission [16], considering that engine fueled withmethanol inducted less air compared to that of gasoline due to theimproved thermal efficiency, which has an obvious effect on the absoluteemission mass. However, in this paper, due to the limitationof the emission measurement facility, the HC, CO and NOx emissionscan only be presented in the form of volume concentration.
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