As described above, the business models will be further developed, in order to deploy a 5-year
business plan including the required investments and the estimated Return on Investment (ROI). It is
expected that, many aspects, including technology, users’ needs satisfied, constraints pertaining to the
utilization in the diverse social and legislative environments, competitive strengths and weaknesses will
be increasingly focused. In parallel, the quantitative part of the Plan will benefit from refinements and
risk analysis, possibly resulting in different alternatives being quantified and evaluated. The details about
price, placement and promotion will be part of a final Business Plan.
Even though i-Tour project is still at a relatively early stage, the endeavour was made to quantify the
economics of the Business Plan, with special reference to a first feasibility study, in order to assess the
magnitude of the effort needed to break even in a reasonable time span. The economic figures, together
with the qualitative, will be further refined and detailed in the future editions.