The texture of the obtained snacks was determined by using an
Instron type 5544 texture-measuring device with Merlin software.The minimal force (N) necessary to break up a snack was measured
using a share blade at a displacement rate of 250 rpm.The expansion
ratio of the snacks was calculated as a quotient of snack size to
pellet size.The colour of snacks (Hunter lab scale) was measured
using a Minolta CM-5 chromameter against a white reference standard.Hue angle and chroma colour space parameters were calculated
from a⁄ and b⁄ values.Hue angle = Arctan (b⁄/a⁄).
Chroma = ((a⁄^2) + (b⁄^2))^0.5 (Wrolstad, Durst, & Lee, 2005).