Fight Club and Consumption
If there is a society that condemns the film is that of consumption, Norton says, “If I saw an ingenious innovation as a coffee table representing the yin and yang, I had to possess it.” Handling suffered Norton is due to the business strategy of creating needs, whether the needs of esteem, of belonging, security, self expression, physiological …
The film takes a critical look at advertising that conveys many messages, in addition to the presentation of the product sold, it gives a certain image of ideological criteria of beauty, men (usually muscular) or women (usually typed anorexic). The scene that best illustrates this rejection is that of Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in the bus. Norton saw an ad for Gucci underpants in a bus, he asked Pitt “That’s what a man should look like? “And it to answer” Self improvement is masturbation, it will destroy itself. “It is this ability to be captured with a sense of being free that Fincher is trying to tell us through his film. The thesis of the film can be represented by the phrase: “For complete freedom, chaotic life is recommended.” Brad Pitt’s character explains this in the reply “I reject all the assumptions of civilization especially the importance of material possessions.”