Talking to family and trusted friends about
how you’ve been feeling is usually a good
thing to do. They can help you to figure out
solutions to some of the problems you’ve
been dealing with; besides, just knowing
that people care about you can be helpful.
L Writing about problems you’re facing, your
feelings and thoughts, and possible solutions
can help you to understand what you’re
going through and what choices you have.
L Speak to a health professional (family doctor,
psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social
worker, mental health counsellor, or mental
health nurse) if you think you might be
depressed. A professional can help you
figure out what’s been going on and can
make useful suggestions.
L In some cases, antidepressant medications
can be helpful in overcoming mild
depression. But for most adolescents
with mild depression, the answer does
not lie in medication.