Opportunistic survey of dragonfly diversity and distribution was done in Toebirongchhu sub-watershed
within Punakha Dzongkhag, Western Bhutan to give updated list of species within the study area and the
Dzongkhag, and update the species list for Bhutan. Total of 24 species belonging to 19 genera and 11
families were recorded of which 22 species are new record for the study area, 20 species for the Punakha
Dzongkhag and 1 for Bhutan. The updated list of species for Punakha Dzongkhag is 28 species and for
Bhutan is 85 species. Important records are Anisogomphus caudalis a Data Deficient species and a new
record for Bhutan, Aristocypha (Rhinocypha) cuneata, another Data Deficient species, Epiophlebia
laidlawi a Near Threatened species and Anisopleura bella a recently described species currently recorded
only from Bhutan.