Patients were stratified into one of two groups
on the basis of the characteristics of their infection
before randomization: a group that included
patients with a larger abscess or cellulitis (largerabscess–
cellulitis group) or a group that included
patients with a smaller abscess (limited-abscess
group). The protocol and data-analysis plan prespecified
that the limited-abscess group and the
larger-abscess–cellulitis group be analyzed separately
because their treatment assignments differed,
in that the limited-abscess stratum included
a placebo group. Patients who had a single abscess
with a greatest diameter up to 5.0 cm (≤3.0 cm in
patients 6 to 11 months of age and ≤4.0 cm in
patients 1 to 8 years of age) were stratified into
the limited-abscess group. All other patients, including
those with an abscess greater than 5.0 cm
in diameter (and proportionally smaller in young children), patients with two or more sites of skin
infection, and patients with cellulitis without abscess
(including erysipelas), were stratified into the
larger-abscess–cellulitis group. The size of the abscess
cavity was measured manually in three dimensions
(width, length, and depth) and recorded
on a standardized form. All abscesses were treated
by means of incision and drainage. In this article,
we describe the results for the larger-abscess–cellulitis
group only.
Patients were stratified into one of two groupson the basis of the characteristics of their infectionbefore randomization: a group that includedpatients with a larger abscess or cellulitis (largerabscess–cellulitis group) or a group that includedpatients with a smaller abscess (limited-abscessgroup). The protocol and data-analysis plan prespecifiedthat the limited-abscess group and thelarger-abscess–cellulitis group be analyzed separatelybecause their treatment assignments differed,in that the limited-abscess stratum includeda placebo group. Patients who had a single abscesswith a greatest diameter up to 5.0 cm (≤3.0 cm inpatients 6 to 11 months of age and ≤4.0 cm inpatients 1 to 8 years of age) were stratified intothe limited-abscess group. All other patients, includingthose with an abscess greater than 5.0 cmin diameter (and proportionally smaller in young children), patients with two or more sites of skininfection, and patients with cellulitis without abscess(including erysipelas), were stratified into thelarger-abscess–cellulitis group. The size of the abscesscavity was measured manually in three dimensions(width, length, and depth) and recordedon a standardized form. All abscesses were treatedby means of incision and drainage. In this article,we describe the results for the larger-abscess–cellulitisgroup only.
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