HR Pass Dimension Process
1. HR Pass Dimension is the first level of the HR Pass Program. It is a minimum requirement for all HR Managers and Assistant HR Managers.
2. There are two categories of competencies required to be completed – Behavioural Competencies and Technical Competencies.
3. The first step is for the HR professional to complete a self assessment against these competencies and for their direct reporting manager to also complete. These assessments are compared and a discussion on any divergence is conducted.
4. Where there is no divergence in scoring and the HR professional and manager agree on performance then areas of development can be reviewed and a personal development plan created using this guidebook.
5. Where there are no areas for further development and performance meets role expectations or is above expectations then the HR professional is invited to complete the online knowledge test for HR Dimension available on Academie Accor Online University.
6. The HR professional will need to score 90% or higher on each of the categories in order to proceed to the next step. Where scores are below 90% the HR professional should refer to the relevant technical skills section of this guidebook to create a personal development plan.