What you need:-
Paper measuring 9×9″ (A good way to find out what size your square should be is to measure the width of your largest card and multiply that by 4)
Bone folder/ruler/card (optional)
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder Step 1
Step 1. With the right side facing down, fold the paper into half vertically.
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder Step 2
Step 2. Fold the halves into halves. You should now have 3 lines down vertically.
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder Step 3
Step 3. Using the quarter lines as a guide, fold all 4 corners inwards.
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder Step 4
Step 4. Fold inwards at the quarter line. It should look something like this.
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder Step 5
Step 5. Flip the whole paper around and fold downwards towards the middle mark. At this point it might be a good idea to use the bone folder to help flatten it at the folds.
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder Step 6
Step 6. Repeat to the bottom, folding upwards this time. The bottom fold should overlap the top fold (you’ll see why in the next step).
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder Step 7
Step 7. Taking the bottom piece, gently tuck it into the top piece and flatten.
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder Complete
Step 8. Afterwhich, rotate the holder 90 degrees and fold at the fold line (already created earlier!).
OOH - Origami Namecard Holder with Cards
Step 9. Your card holder is complete! Insert your cards on both sides and it’s all ready to go!