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Groundings are among the most common and destructive maritime accidents. Sea bottom shape influences greatly what kind of damage the ship structure suffers and whether this leads to loss of water tightness.
Sormunen et al. [21] presented and statistically compared rock models used in grounding damage analysis with detailed bottom shape data from two Finnish harbour fairways. The results were promising in terms of statistical fit especially for the binormal rock model, which also showed a wide range of flexibility in representing different types of sea bottom shapes. However, this measure does not explicitly tell if the model rock in grounding damage analysis results in similar damage size as real rocks cause. To test this, this paper develops a framework for studying, testing and evaluating rock models in terms of resulting grounding damage. FEM is used to analyse and compare grounding damage of rock models to the actual rock using otherwise identical grounding scenarios. Analysis is performed for four different real rocks with each rock being modelled with four different analytical rock models as well.