Sample and procedure
To enhance the external validity of data collection, authors considered different types of
businesses and sizes of organisation during participant recruitment. Authors focused on
the industries in Taipei – the capital of Taiwan, per the research grant criteria of the
National Science Council of Taiwan. Authors contacted 34 business companies from
different industries, and 26 companies agreed to participate in the research and provide
data access.
To improve the sample representativeness, authors distributed different numbers of
questionnaire copies to different organisations, subject to their organisational sizes.
Specifically, large organisations (with more than 1000 staff) received 50 copies, medium
organisations (with 100 to 1000 staff) received 20 copies and small organisations (with
less than 100 staff) received 10 copies. Authors dispatched all the questionnaires to the HR
managers of each company and these managers then distributed copies to their employees
using the snowball sampling technique (a similar technique has been adopted by Chang
et al., 2013).