„Manages a household greatly, if comes back to see this tragic situation, it is estimated that will go crazy, many valuables and money destroyed in Thunder Calamity.”
„It is not right, the third child, you looked that back side of the mountain there had not been affected, the most precious object that ha, our these many years plunder, in inside, the good brother had foreknowledge, knows that there internal combustion engine terrifying, the common method was hard to destroy the back side of the mountain radically, therefore placed there the rarest most and precious treasure, so long as there are these what Chou unable to stage a comeback?”
Lei Shalong looked that to has stood erect that stretch of black rocky ground after mountain in ‚day ghost mountain’, that was linking up ‚day ghost mountain’ abyss cliff, this piece of cliff has not received the destruction of purple Thunder Calamity, making Lei Shalong cannot help but laugh:
„Died well, they died, was short of the human to come minute of these, later these completely were our three brothers, Ha Ha Ha Ha.”
„Ha Ha, right, so long as our three brothers three persons uniteds, did not worry that cannot stage a comeback, causes heavy losses to the hegemony!” Zhu Liuzhi has laughed, although died these many people, but the future future is broad and level, there are countless wealth in the hand!
However at this moment, ‚Dead Bones Mountain Hall’, Fighting Source the disintegration, two people go on the prestige together in an instant, complexion big change:
„This is brother's life source sign, the source sign bursts, said that the brother did die?”
„How possible, by the brother three revolutions of Immortal Realm strengths, only misses one step to step into four revolutions of Immortal Realm Boundary, a Yin Qianxun trivial revolution of Immortal Realm peak person, how possibly is brother's match, even if he is ‚Heavenly Dragon seeks to kill body’ not to be impossible! What's the matter?” Zhu Liuzhi has called out in alarm, the look is very crazy.
Lei Shalong was also out of sorts:
„Right, the brother may die, impossible matter, this what's the matter? Trivial Yin Qianxun, at all possibly is not brother's match, let alone he is also seriously injured, oneself difficultly guaranteed!”
„Yin Family, certainly is Yin Family, Yin Qianxun is ‚Sky Dragon's True Immortal Body’, definitely has the maintaining life method that Yin Family gives, certainly is this, I must conquer by killing Yin Family, revenges for the brother!” Zhu Liuzhi was out of sorts the moment, in the pupil Limans twinkle, was roaring angrily, the tears of blood of whole face, have arrived at the Lei Shalong front, puff passed to kneel down, immediately gave Lei Shalong to knock three knocks.
„Third child, what you make?” Lei Shalong regarding the Zhu Liuzhi extremely towering behavior, feels obviously puzzled.
„Brother on, please receive the little brother to do obeisance, starting today, only then your my brother two people were bound by a common destiny, my three people are to all result from the thick patch of grass, the brotherly love, the blood is thicker than water, today my Zhu Liuzhi figure of day swore that conquers by killing Yin Family inevitably, avenges a grievance for the brother! Otherwise, my in vain manner!” The Zhu Liuzhi facial features are fierce, nearly roared crazily.
„Right, even if his Yin Family is formidable, their juniors must go out informed and experienced, coming us to kill one, comes two, we kill one pair, I do not believe that they can my what.” Lei Shalong by the spoken language infection of Zhu Liuzhi, the heart was also killed intent to surge, they result from the thick patch of grass, these many years are bathed in blood to plunder to slaughter, get this stretch of world!
Almost at this time, green glow quickly, submerged the heart of Lei Shalong together directly, in an instant, spreads to the Lei Shalong whole body violently poisonously, this is Zhu Liuzhi lower rank immortal, is dagger that air/Qi of day and night contaminated ghost quenchings, the lethality is extremely terrifying.
Lei Shalong looks at own Chest, unbelievable of face, looked to Zhu Liuzhi, the complexion became black purple, he was quite angry, has put out a big black blood:
„Zhu Liuzhi, you, the good ruthless heart, the false sentiment hypocrisy deceive me, you die like a dog”
„Brother, here I called you a brother finally, you died, relieved dying, the artificial wealth died, birds die in pursuit of food, this buried treasure is my, have not thought that I well will certainly use this buried treasure, revenged for you, starting off that you felt at ease!” Zhu Liuzhi pair of eyes that slope outwards glittered the extremely virulent ray, during the spoken languages are being full of the crazy, big laughter passed on very: