In order to ensure in a comprehensive building and systematic development of the legal system, in
2003, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme People’s Court and the Office of the Supreme People’s
Prosecutor and the Ministry of Public Security, thus, initiated the expedite the development of the
Legal Sector Master Plan (LSMP) toward the year 2020. At the sametime, the VIIth Party Congress
(2006) also sets the policy: to “gradually develop Lao as the rule of law state”. Therefore, initiated
LSMP was adjusted accordingly. The legal sector master plan toward the year 2020 was adopted
formally adopted by the Government on 11th September 2009 by Decree No. 265/PM. The main
spirit of the LSMP is: “aiming at creation of state of the Lao PDR to become state that secures
legal responsibility toward its citizens and ensuring that the citizens fundamentally perform their
legal obligations toward the state.” The survey of the customary law and report, thus, becomes
first activity program under the LSMP lead by the Ministry of Justice in collaboration with various
agencies at the central and local level to compose in the survey’ committee, namely: representa-
tive from the Lao National Front, the National Assembly, the Socio-science research institute, the
Ministry of Information and Culture, Lao Women Union, the National Committee for advancement
of women, the Supreme People’s Court, the Office of the Supreme People’s Prosecutor, the Faculty
of Law and Administration, 3 Laws colleges. Besides that, there were two experts engaged: one
Lao national as lawyer and one external expert as anthropologist included in defining the scope of
survey of customary laws of Lao 49 ethnic groups.
This report on the survey of customary law of Lao eth