“Unnie, the girl is from LA.”
Taeyeon smirked at Hayeon, her little sister who stood before her. “Do you think I’m gonna be faster than her tonight?”
“Of course you’ll beat her, unnie,” said Hayeon confidently before running back to their group of friends standing around outside.
Seoul, Tokyo, London, New York. Time to add LA to the list of defeated racers.
Taeyeon stretched and stood up. She brushed the bits of chips off her black denim cut-off shorts and flicked a stray crumb off her black midriff baring top. Turning around, she retrieved her blue denim jacket from the back of the chair, shrugged it on and ran her fingers through her jet black hair before striding out into the cool chill of the night. She had been chilling in the makeshift resting spot that was actually a container fitted with an air-conditioner and furnished with a table and some chairs. It wasn’t particularly comfortable to hang out in but she didn’t really care. It was just a waiting place. The real action was out on the road.
The sounds of cars revving up thrilled her and she felt alive. It was pure adrenaline and it pulsated in every part of her body. She’d loved fast cars ever since she was a kid. Nothing else could quite compare. While her friends talked about the kicks of getting drunk on alcohol or high on drugs, she was focused on being intoxicated on speed. And danger.
Right now, what she was looking at was dangerous. The LA girl. The girl was taller than her but it wasn’t about the height difference. What was most dangerous about the girl were her eyes. Even from a distance, they stood out, outlined with jet black eye liner and the look within them, soul-grabbing. As she neared her, she liked what she saw more and more. Naturally shaped eyebrows, luscious lips, thick black hair with curls that tumbled down past her shoulders, ending at a titillating place. A peek of her slim waist. Juicy thighs, toned calves descending from short denim shorts. But all that bared skin wasn’t enough. She wanted to see more.
Maybe later.
“Tiffany.” Taeyeon nodded at Sunny, indicating that she knew who Tiffany was. “You can beat her. No problem.”
“Was there ever any doubt?”
Sunny grinned and shook her head. “No.”
Taeyeon chuckled. She walked right up to Tiffany and stood before her. For some reason, she wanted to up the stakes. Money and glory weren’t the only things she wanted this time.
“Let’s make things more exciting.”
Tiffany barely batted an eyelid. “Sure.”
“You’re agreeing without knowing what I plan to say.”
Tiffany’s eyes burned into hers and she felt her insides tightening, coiling like a spring. “Whatever it is, I’m game.”
Taeyeon’s senses tingled. She liked the confidence oozing out of Tiffany. It bordered on arrogance, which made it all the more attractive.
“In that case, I’ll let you know what it is after you lose to me.”
“Tsk, tsk. You speak too soon. You haven’t seen me drive.”
“I don’t need to see you drive.”
“Oh, I think you do. And you should.”
“Well, I’m about to. I’m about to see you drive to your defeat.”
“We’ll see who gets to give the other the surprise at the end.”
Taeyeon gave Tiffany an assured smirk before turning away. She could feel the hairs on her arms standing. The tension between them had been palpable and she liked it. It made her feel alive, just like fast cars. Determination surged through her veins and fused into her blood. This was one race that she was going to win and enjoy winning the most.
She got into her car and Sunny shut the door for her before leaning down to the window, flashing a generous amount of cleavage that had half the boys and just as many girls drooling over on the circuit. “See ya back here in a bit.”
Taeyeon grinned and nodded. She wrapped her fingers around the black and red leather grip on her steering wheel which would control the Pirelli tyres that ran on the quad-turbo 16-cylinder engine, housed within the nondescript black car frame and shell. It was exactly how she liked it. No one would ever take notice of her car on the road, until they were left to eat her dust. She liked how no one knew of the 1000 horsepower that she had at her disposal unless she chose to reveal it.
And right now, she was about to do just that. Get ready to lose, Tiffany.
The road before her was dark, lit only by powerful headlights which illuminated the race girl standing in front of Tiffany and her. She raised one slender arm and Taeyeon floored her accelerator, releasing the carbon-ceramic brakes only when the arm fell and her car shot forward like a bullet. Her blood raced, heart thumped, eyes focused and she was living life as it should be led. She was a bat out of hell on white-hot wheels.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Tiffany speeding alongside her, trailing by just a quarter of a metre. Heh. It’d be a metre once they hit the first sharp bend. It took her all of two seconds to hit second gear at 90 km/h and just a few more seconds to hit third gear at 200 km/h. Her car was nothing but a blur and it was exactly what she wanted.
She blasted down the wide multi-lane road of Cheongdam-dong, east of expensive Seoul, pulling further ahead of Tiffany with every passing second before ripping the handbrake as she turned into the sharp corner. Her rear tyres squealed, emitting a cloud of smoke as she swung violently to the right into the curve. Her car entered the new road in Apgujeong-dong leading to Hannam bridge that spanned over the majestic Han river and she released the handbrake. She smirked, knowing she was a whole car-length ahead of Tiffany now but a sudden loud rev from behind wiped it right off her face. Tiffany had somehow reduced the gap to half a car-length and was inching closer by the second.
Another gear and she was back to third, eating up the distance across the bridge. She ripped her handbrake again and swung even more violently to the left, entering the highway that ran along the river in the northern part of downtown Seoul. However, Tiffany had completely closed the gap between them and was neck to neck with her. Shit!
Her grip tightened and her eyes focused even harder. She wanted to win but Tiffany seemed to be doing something at every bend to catch up. She had to figure out what it was and counter it before Tiffany overtook her at the next bend. Her car was faster down the straight and she weaved in and out of the sparse number of cars with ease. By the time they hit the next left turn, she had pulled slightly ahead again but she knew that it wasn’t enough if she didn’t do something about the next turn.
She waited till the last possible second, ripped her brakes, yanked her steering wheel to the left and almost immediately stomped on the accelerator again, her car lurching forward as her rear tyres screamed bloody murder. A lot more smoke billowed out than usual and she knew that her tyres were on the verge of death. Nonetheless, she was going to finish even if she only had her rims left. She knew that much.
She was in the last leg of the race, zooming over Dongjak bridge, back into the expensive side of downtown Seoul again and there was just one more bend to manoeuvre before the final straight to the finish. Her tyres were on their last breath as she swung into the final left bend and she could have sworn she smelled something on fire as she blasted down the straight back to Cheongdam-dong.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a loud wail of a siren pierced through the air and walls of her car to reach her ears. Shit. Shit. Shit. She could see the all-too-familiar blue and red lights flashing behind her and Tiffany. They had to get off the highway but that would mean another sharp turn that her tyres couldn’t handle. She should’ve gotten new tyres for this race instead of using the ones from her previous race. Shit. Now, she was going to pay for it. And lose her license. And her day job. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Turn right into Gangnam and left into Teheran at the roundabout. We’ll intercept there,” came Sunny’s voice through her earpiece.
“Got it.”
Taeyeon bit her lip and tried to soften the right turn as much as she could but her tyres protested horribly and a lot more smoke was emitted than before. With no choice but to stick with it, she maintained her speed and stayed neck to neck with Tiffany as they entered the left turn into Teheran road. Right then was when she knew it. That was the last straw. She felt it. She was one with her car. She knew she was screwed. But turned anyway. Her tyres were most definitely bare by now. And to make things worse, thunder roared and a fierce downpour started.
“This is fucking awesome. Just fucking awesome,” Taeyeon burst out in frustration and slammed her palms on her steering wheel.
Most unexpectedly, Tiffany’s voice sounded in her ear. “Taeyeon. Turn the next left and hop on my car.”
Taeyeon had no choice but to do as she was told. She swung one final left turn, jammed her brakes, hopped out of her car and into Tiffany’s. Rain pelted down on her in the second it took to switch cars but she barely noticed it. Tiffany took one look at Taeyeon, smirked and zoomed off without any preamble.
They rode in silence as Tiffany followed Sunny’s instructions that led them away from the police and to an empty house. “Sunny says to stay here for the night. They will find a way to get your car back.”
Taeyeon nodded. Sunny and the rest were more than capable of getting her car back. That was one of the perks of having a nondescript car frame and shell. She wasn’t worried about her car at all. Rather, she was more interested in the consequence of losing the race. It was clear that she wouldn’t have won it even if the police car hadn’t appeared. But she was fine with it. Surprisingly. Tiffany’s surprise was her consolation. But what was it?
Tiffany got out of her car and Taeyeon followed suit. They walked around to the front and stood in front
"Unnie หญิงสาวมาจาก LA."Taeyeon smirked ใน Hayeon น้องน้อยที่ยืนก่อนเธอ "คุณคิดว่า ฉันจะไปได้เร็วกว่าเธอคืนนี้""แน่นอนคุณจะเอาชนะเธอ unnie กล่าวว่า Hayeon มั่นกลับทำให้กลุ่มเพื่อนของพวกเขายืนอยู่รอบ ๆ ภายนอกโซล โตเกียว ลอนดอน นิวยอร์ก เวลาลาเพิ่มรายชื่อของนักแข่งแพ้Taeyeon ยืด และลุกขึ้นยืน เธอขัดเงาบางส่วนชิปิดกางเกงขาสั้นตัดยีนส์สีดำของเธอ และ flicked เศษหลงทางออกของเธอ midriff สีดำรับน้ำหนักบรรทุกบน เปิดสถาน เธอดึงเสื้อยีนส์สีน้ำเงินของเธอจากด้านหลังของเก้าอี้ ยักไหล่บน และวิ่งนิ้วของเธอผ่านผมดำเจ็ทก่อน striding ออกเป็นเย็นเย็นของยามค่ำคืน เธอได้รับหนาวในชั่วคราวพักจุดที่จริงคอนเทนเนอร์ด้วยมีเครื่องปรับอากาศ และเฟอร์นิเจอร์พร้อมโต๊ะและเก้าอี้บาง มันไม่ได้สะดวกสบายโดยเฉพาะที่ยื่นใน แต่เธอไม่ได้ดูแลจริง ๆ ก็เพียงแค่รอ การดำเนินการจริงก็ออกมาบนถนนเสียงของรถยนต์ revving ขึ้นรู้สึกตื่นเต้นเธอ และเธอรู้สึกว่ามีชีวิตอยู่ มันบริสุทธิ์ตื่นเต้น และมัน pulsated ในทุกส่วนของร่างกายของเธอ เธอได้รักรถอย่างรวดเร็วนับตั้งแต่เธอเป็นเด็ก อะไรสามารถค่อนข้างเปรียบเทียบ ในขณะที่เพื่อนพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับการเตะการเมาเหล้า หรือยาเสพติดสูง เธอถูกเน้นถูก intoxicated บนความเร็ว และอันตรายตอนนี้ เธอคือสิ่งที่เป็นอันตรายต่อ สาวลา หญิงสาวสูงกว่าเธอ แต่มันไม่ได้เกี่ยวกับความแตกต่างสูง สิ่งอันตรายที่สุดเกี่ยวกับหญิงสาวมีตาของเธอ แม้จากระยะไกล พวกเขายืนออก อธิบายกับเจ็ทสีดำอายไลเนอร์และลักษณะภายในพวกเขา จิตโลภ ขณะที่เธอ neared เธอ เธอชอบสิ่งที่เธอเห็นมาก ธรรมชาติรูปคิ้ว ริมฝีปากฉ่ำ ผมหนาดำกับหยิกที่ tumbled ลงผ่านไหล่ของเธอ สิ้นสุดที่ริฟ์เป็นแก้ว ๆ มองเธอเอวบาง ต้นขาฉ่ำ วัวที่เรียงจากกางเกงขาสั้นยีนส์สั้นกระชับ แต่ผิว bared ที่ไม่เพียงพอ เธออยากดูเพิ่มเติมทีหลัง"ทิฟฟานี่" Taeyeon พยักหน้าที่ซันนี่ แสดงให้ เธอรู้ที่ทิฟฟานี "คุณสามารถเอาชนะเธอ ไม่มีปัญหา""ไม่มีเคยสงสัยหรือไม่"ซันนี่ grinned และจับศีรษะของเธอ "หมายเลข"Taeyeon เบา ๆ เธอเดินทางถึงทิฟฟานี และยืนก่อนเธอ ดัง เธอต้องขึ้นเงินเดิมพัน เงินและเกียรติไม่ได้สิ่งเดียวที่เธอต้องการเวลา"ลองทำสิ่งที่น่าตื่นเต้นมากขึ้น"ทิฟฟานี่ batted หนังตาแทบไม่ "แน่ใจ""คุณกำลังภายใต้โดยไม่รู้อะไรที่ฉันจะพูด"ตาของทิฟฟานี่เขียนถามเธอ และเธอรู้สึกว่าเธอ insides ขัน coiling เช่นสปริง "สิ่งที่มันเป็น ฉันเกม"ความรู้สึกของ Taeyeon tingled เธอชอบ oozing ความเชื่อมั่นจากทิฟฟานี่ มันล้อมรอบบนหยิ่ง ที่ทั้งหมดที่น่าสนใจมากขึ้น"ในกรณี ฉันจะให้คุณรู้ว่า สิ่งที่มันเป็นหลังจากคุณสูญเสียการ""ทีเอสเค tsk คุณพูดเร็วเกินไป คุณไม่เห็นผมขับรถ ""ฉันไม่ต้องการเห็นคุณขับรถ""โอ้ ฉันคิดว่า คุณทำ และคุณควร""ดี ฉันเกี่ยวกับการ ผมจะเห็นคุณขับรถคุณพ่ายแพ้ ""เราพบผู้ได้รับการให้อื่น ๆ ประหลาดใจที่จบ"Taeyeon ให้ทิฟฟานี่เกเรความมั่นใจก่อนจะเปิดไป เธออาจรู้สึกเส้นขนบนแขนของเธอยืนอยู่ ได้เห็นได้ชัดจากความตึงเครียดระหว่างพวกเขา และเธอชอบ มันทำให้เธอรู้สึกว่ามีชีวิตอยู่ เช่นเดียวกับรถยนต์ได้อย่างรวดเร็ว กำหนดจากเพิ่มขึ้นผ่านทางเส้นเลือดของเธอ และ fused เป็นเลือดของเธอ นี้คือหนึ่งการแข่งขันที่เธอกำลัง จะชนะชนะมากสุดเธอได้เข้าไปในรถของเธอ และซันนี่ปิดประตูเธอก่อนที่จะเอนลงไปที่หน้าต่าง กระพริบความปริมีครึ่งชายและหญิงเพียงมากน้ำลายไหลผ่านในวงจร "เจอกลับมาที่นี่ในบิต"Taeyeon grinned แล้วพยักหน้า เธอห่อของเธอนิ้วรอบจับหนังสีดำ และสีแดงบนพวงมาลัยของเธอซึ่งจะควบคุมยาง Pirelli ที่รันบนเครื่องยนต์ 16 สูบ ควอดเทอร์โบในรถ nondescript สีดำเฟรมและเชลล์ ว่าเป็นวิธีที่เธอชอบ ไม่เคยจะจดแจ้งรถยนต์บนถนน จนกว่าพวกเขาได้ทิ้งกินฝุ่นของเธอ เธอชอบอย่างไรไม่มีใครรู้เรื่องแรงม้า 1000 ที่เธอมีที่เธอถ้าเธอเลือกที่จะเปิดเผยมันAnd right now, she was about to do just that. Get ready to lose, Tiffany.The road before her was dark, lit only by powerful headlights which illuminated the race girl standing in front of Tiffany and her. She raised one slender arm and Taeyeon floored her accelerator, releasing the carbon-ceramic brakes only when the arm fell and her car shot forward like a bullet. Her blood raced, heart thumped, eyes focused and she was living life as it should be led. She was a bat out of hell on white-hot wheels.Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Tiffany speeding alongside her, trailing by just a quarter of a metre. Heh. It’d be a metre once they hit the first sharp bend. It took her all of two seconds to hit second gear at 90 km/h and just a few more seconds to hit third gear at 200 km/h. Her car was nothing but a blur and it was exactly what she wanted.She blasted down the wide multi-lane road of Cheongdam-dong, east of expensive Seoul, pulling further ahead of Tiffany with every passing second before ripping the handbrake as she turned into the sharp corner. Her rear tyres squealed, emitting a cloud of smoke as she swung violently to the right into the curve. Her car entered the new road in Apgujeong-dong leading to Hannam bridge that spanned over the majestic Han river and she released the handbrake. She smirked, knowing she was a whole car-length ahead of Tiffany now but a sudden loud rev from behind wiped it right off her face. Tiffany had somehow reduced the gap to half a car-length and was inching closer by the second.อีกเกียร์และเธอได้กลับไปที่สาม กินค่าระยะทางข้ามสะพาน เธอคัดลอกเบรคมือของเธออีกครั้ง และ swung แม้โหงขึ้นไปทางซ้าย ป้อนทางหลวงที่วิ่งไปตามแม่น้ำในภาคเหนือของตัวเมืองโซล อย่างไรก็ตาม ทิฟฟานีทั้งหมดได้ปิดช่องว่างระหว่างพวกเขา และเป็นคอ-คอกับเธอ ขี้จับเธอทำให้รัดกุมและตาของเธอเน้นมากยิ่งขึ้น เธออยากชนะ แต่ทิฟฟานี่ดูเหมือน จะทำอะไรในทุกโค้งให้ทัน เธอได้คิดออกสิ่งที่มันเป็น และเคาน์เตอร์ก่อนที่ทิฟฟานี่ overtook เธอที่โค้งถัดไป รถของเธอถูกเร็วลงตรงนี้ และเธอ weaved ออกห่างจำนวนรถอย่างง่ายดาย เปิดตามเวลาที่พวกเขาตีซ้ายถัดไป เธอก็ดึงไปข้างหน้าเล็กน้อยอีก แต่เธอรู้ว่า มันไม่พอถ้าเธอไม่ได้ทำบางสิ่งบางอย่างต่อเธอรอจนถึงสุดล่าสุดสอง คัดลอกของเธอเบรค yanked เธอพวงมาลัยซ้าย และเกือบทันที stomped บนตัวเร่งอีก lurching ไปเป็นของเธอสังหารเลือด screamed หลังยางรถยนต์ ควันมากมาย billowed ออกมากกว่าปกติ และเธอรู้ว่า ยางของเธอถูกเจียนตาย กระนั้น เธอกำลังจะเสร็จสิ้นแม้ว่าเธอมีเพียงเธอขอบล้อด้านซ้าย เธอรู้ว่ามากShe was in the last leg of the race, zooming over Dongjak bridge, back into the expensive side of downtown Seoul again and there was just one more bend to manoeuvre before the final straight to the finish. Her tyres were on their last breath as she swung into the final left bend and she could have sworn she smelled something on fire as she blasted down the straight back to Cheongdam-dong.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a loud wail of a siren pierced through the air and walls of her car to reach her ears. Shit. Shit. Shit. She could see the all-too-familiar blue and red lights flashing behind her and Tiffany. They had to get off the highway but that would mean another sharp turn that her tyres couldn’t handle. She should’ve gotten new tyres for this race instead of using the ones from her previous race. Shit. Now, she was going to pay for it. And lose her license. And her day job. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Turn right into Gangnam and left into Teheran at the roundabout. We’ll intercept there,” came Sunny’s voice through her earpiece.
“Got it.”
Taeyeon bit her lip and tried to soften the right turn as much as she could but her tyres protested horribly and a lot more smoke was emitted than before. With no choice but to stick with it, she maintained her speed and stayed neck to neck with Tiffany as they entered the left turn into Teheran road. Right then was when she knew it. That was the last straw. She felt it. She was one with her car. She knew she was screwed. But turned anyway. Her tyres were most definitely bare by now. And to make things worse, thunder roared and a fierce downpour started.
“This is fucking awesome. Just fucking awesome,” Taeyeon burst out in frustration and slammed her palms on her steering wheel.
Most unexpectedly, Tiffany’s voice sounded in her ear. “Taeyeon. Turn the next left and hop on my car.”
Taeyeon had no choice but to do as she was told. She swung one final left turn, jammed her brakes, hopped out of her car and into Tiffany’s. Rain pelted down on her in the second it took to switch cars but she barely noticed it. Tiffany took one look at Taeyeon, smirked and zoomed off without any preamble.
They rode in silence as Tiffany followed Sunny’s instructions that led them away from the police and to an empty house. “Sunny says to stay here for the night. They will find a way to get your car back.”
Taeyeon nodded. Sunny and the rest were more than capable of getting her car back. That was one of the perks of having a nondescript car frame and shell. She wasn’t worried about her car at all. Rather, she was more interested in the consequence of losing the race. It was clear that she wouldn’t have won it even if the police car hadn’t appeared. But she was fine with it. Surprisingly. Tiffany’s surprise was her consolation. But what was it?
Tiffany got out of her car and Taeyeon followed suit. They walked around to the front and stood in front
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