Dear K.Kanne,
As per telcon, Damco will have new products expect to store at Pacific Mahachai as per below detail and attachment.
Appreciate your kind advice on current space availability kub (separate from fresh food).
New volume
1. Concentrated bucket 17 kg for domestic market
- Volume apprx 100,000 kg to be stored at Pacific
- Store 27 buckets per pallet. Each bucket weighs 17 kg. So we will have around 217 pallets
- Store in -18C
- This product is for domestic orders. Outbound order size will be small and mostly utilize pick-up truck. Dole will indicate bucket number for outbound picking
- Product picture as per attachments.
2. Concentrate drum 200 liters
- Store in +5C
- Volume apprx 300-500 drums