How dependent are we on time is life without clocks less stressful one company decided to find out . At AOl they removed all the clocks from their Uk headquarters Then everybody carried on working as usual.
They wanted to investigate how pressure of time can lead to stress and to see how an environment without clocks would affect productivity They say that time is money and most companies use time to control their activities because it is easy to measure. On the other hand humans have biological clock which doesn’t necessarily correspond to the standard eight-hour working day We are more productive in the morning and then our efficiency tends to drop off after lunch So if your feeling hungry why not have something to eat instead of waiting for the lunch break or if you’ve finished your work don’t hang on until it’s time to clock off just go home .
So what happens when you rely on your own body clock instead of artificial deadlines According to owe worker most people carried on as normal although some took advantage of the opportunity to have an early lunch Another said this is great it makes sense to be able to work when you need to and leave the office when you don’t on the other hand one secretary found the experience disorientating however one office manager was in no doubt Thank goodness we are going to bring the clocks back tomorrow Make on mistake a clock office leads to chaos Some people may be meeting for example can last forever if you don’t have a time limit