The aim of this research is to compare the experimental data obtained by using PMK-2 test facility which
was equipped as an experimental apparatus for water hammering of the pipe system in the KFKI research
center in Hungary with some results of numerical calculations (V&V test) based on WAHA3 code on the
pressure wave propagation phenomena in a pipe system of a nuclear power plant. In order to simulate
pressure wave propagation in the two-phase flow by using WAHA3 code, we used two node systems
for numerical calculations: For the first preliminary calculation, we used a simplified node system by
assuming all the same area in the entire pipe system. But for the second calculations, we differently used
a fully described node system for a real PMK-2 test facility. And then, we finally compare the calculated
results using WAHA3 code with the experimental data produced by PMK-2 test facility.