My name is UPKAR, Let me explain.
In the claim form you have put cost of 1,312.77 euros for this claim.
Both parts are carried by your plant, correct.
There has been a bar code label error from our plant during checking
And shipping this material to you. I cannot do any stock adjustments
On CMMS, as all receipts and shipping have gone out correctly, it’s just
The labels that have not matched with the parts. Any further adjustments
On CMMS will cause problems for others down the line.
I cannot send this error to supplier, as all their packs have been correct
As per packaging labels, it’s EDC purple bar code labels that have not
Matched with the parts sent out, hence you are finding errors. Parts inside
The boxes match the supplier labels, Yes or NO?
Please send me clear photo copies of the purple label and supplier label
On the boxes you have found with errors.
At the end of month I will be sending all closed claims to finance, as they
decide who pays for this claim.
I hope this will clear up any further misunderstanding, as I continue to close
All your other outstanding claims.
My name is UPKAR, Let me explain.In the claim form you have put cost of 1,312.77 euros for this claim.Both parts are carried by your plant, correct.There has been a bar code label error from our plant during checkingAnd shipping this material to you. I cannot do any stock adjustmentsOn CMMS, as all receipts and shipping have gone out correctly, it’s justThe labels that have not matched with the parts. Any further adjustmentsOn CMMS will cause problems for others down the line.I cannot send this error to supplier, as all their packs have been correctAs per packaging labels, it’s EDC purple bar code labels that have notMatched with the parts sent out, hence you are finding errors. Parts insideThe boxes match the supplier labels, Yes or NO?Please send me clear photo copies of the purple label and supplier labelOn the boxes you have found with errors.At the end of month I will be sending all closed claims to finance, as theydecide who pays for this claim.I hope this will clear up any further misunderstanding, as I continue to close All your other outstanding claims.
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