The main spectral features of celluloid are presented in Table 1,
with the IR characteristic bands of cellulose nitrate (NC) and those
of camphor. Both celluloid and NC samples show the characteristic
bands of cellulosic compounds [24]. Intense absorption bands
associated with the acetal linkages characteristic of the carbohydrates
structures are observed in the domain 1200e1000 cm1.
Absorption band at 920 cm1 can be directly linked with pyranose
ring vibration. Other intense absorption bands characteristic of
nitro groups are noted in IR spectrum of NC at 1650, 1280, 750 and
690 cm1. One can also observe a shoulder at approximately
1740 cm1. The main difference in the spectral features of celluloid
and NC stands in the IR absorption band at 1730 cm1 that corresponds
to carbonyl function of the ketone group of camphor. The IR
spectrum of cellulose acetate shows the IR absorption bands that
are characteristic of cellulose and that of carbonyl group of acetate
function at 1750 cm1.