This Clause only to apply when a sum is stated for this purpose in the Schedule to. the policy
~ 11.1 The Underwriten agree to identify the assured for any sum or sums which the assured shall become legally
liable to pay and shall pay, by reason of interest in the insured Vessel and arising out of accidents occuring during the
currency of this insurance, in respect of
11.1 loss of or damage to any other vessel or property whatsoever
11.1.2 loss of life, personal injury or illness. including payments made for life salvage, caused on or near the Vessel or
any other vessel
11.1.3 any attempted or actual raising, removal or destruction of the wreck of the insured Vessel or the cargo thereof or
any neglect or failure to raise, remove or destroy the same,
11.2 LEGAL COSTS · .
The underwriters will also pay. provided their prior ~itten consent has been obtained,
11.2.1 the legal costs incurred by the Assured or wh1ch tbe Assured may be compelled to pay in contesting liability or
taking proceedings to limit liability
11.2.2 the costs for representation at any coroner's inquest or rata! acc1dent enqutry.