phone has got the tremendous popularity and become the most usable communication tool in our country. A student can access or virtually attend in the class from remote areas by calling an IP-Phone number through his mobile phone. Students can join the class virtually using computers, laptops or mobile phones with internet facilities through video conferencing. Some cyber centers or regional classrooms can be established with internet and multimedia facilities to attend in the class. The lectures will be lively telecasted by the presenters/teachers from the media centers and the students will enjoy the lectures sitting at their respective tutorial centers and also can ask their questions to the lecturer/teacher through video conferencing or mobile phones directly. They can also download the lectures at any time from the respective websites of the educational institutes. Moreover, a student having a mobile phone with FM radio can hear the lectures at his home without attending at the classes physically. Thus we can create a virtual class room environment not only at the tutorial centers but also at any places.