Hello ladies and gentlemen.My name is Supparat Ratkaew. Let me widen you horizon as ASEAN is approaching toward. All job opportunities are flourishing for new generation such as accountants, nurses, teachers and doctors. I am a student nurse and will say that medicine is very essential to human’s life in all age and nationality. Therefore, I will inform you how Thai Traditional medicine can progress in ASEAN community before reaching to the global level.
Thai government has tried to expand Thai Traditional Medicine to be competitive in international market. The integration of ASEAN has been desiring for Thai Traditional Medicine due to expensive Western Medicine and good quality without side effect of Thai Traditional Medicine. Global market for medicinal herbs will be a piece of cake of us too if ASEAN in 2015 successfully integrated, Thai Traditional Medicine would be boosted with lots of income and investment. Thai Traditional Medicine has potential to grow as the main medicine applied throughout ASEAN which will motivates and encourage Thai Traditional Medicine companies to expand. Especially, Thai Traditional Medicine OTOP products will be the center of attention in ASEAN and later in International market .Moreover, Thai Traditional Medicine reputation will improve the life of local people and help it modernized with science and technology in order to generate income according to international standard. It creates business opportunities and enhances Thai economic as well as local people well-being making Thailand competitive country in ASEAN region in addition.
Herb is the key function of successful Thai Traditional Medicine. ASEAN community is consisting of people who share quite similar belief, religion and geographical ecosystem. Therefore, people in ASEAN regions feel familiar with those herbs and are easily ready to apply. Thai herbs sometimes do not come in the form of a pill or tablets but in a form of meal that people can enjoy. For example, Turmeric is used to cure flatulence, diarrhea, gastritis, and is considered as skin softener. Also, Siam Cardamom, or Camphor seed grows in Thailand, Sumatra, Java, and other East India islands. See these wonderful seeds are widespread in ASEAN countries. It has unique taste and aromatic fragrance that highlights Thai dishes’ uniqueness. Siam Cardamom helps carminative. There are many more herbs in Thai Traditional Medicine that I want really to state but it will be off the topics. So I suggest you find more information on www.asean.org on the topic of ASEAN Herbal and Medicinal Plants.
Now I have finished talking about positive outcome of Thai Traditional Medicine and Thai Herb having good advantages as the approaching ASEAN community by the end of 2015. I do not have much time now but I want all Thai people to be proud of Thai medicine. If we can increase Thai Traditional Medicine recognition, our economic will boost and people lives will be more prosperous. Moreover, it can cure people all around the world who seek for good natural treatment. To order to do so, Thai Traditional Medicine should be developed and well-received in ASEAN market first. Thus, ASEAN is like the stage of Thai traditional Medicine initial success.
My time is over. You can also see more information on my Facebook page.
Once again, thank you for kind attention.