The recorded interviews were transcribed and analyzed within three contexts as suggested by Kvale and Brinkmann(2011). All three transcripts were read several times to get an overall understanding of the text. Notes were taken on first impressions, thoughts and questions. In(the first context of analysis, the transcribed text was condensed into meaning units while preserving the subjects' own understanding. In the second context of analysis, the meaning units were first merged into subcategories at a more general level of understanding and then further merged and recontextualized into two main themes that represent the present results of the study: "The role of non-pharmacological methods in building and maintaining cooperation and"Caring for the child by individualizing the use of non-pharmacological methods During the analysis, the transcripts were read as a whole several times, ensuring that the final interpretation of themes and new perspectives were rooted in the data. The subcategories were used as tools when interpreting the main themes. When writing up the findings, the sub categories within each main theme were merged in order to present a better flow and abstraction of findings. In the third context of analysis, the findings were discussed in relation to existing relevant research to gain a better theoretical understanding of the themes. The 650 meaning units were organized into categories analysed and presented using Microsoft Excel Table 1 provides two examples of this stepwise process.