Individual plot size was 1 m
5 m, with transplanted seedlings
being spaced at 50 cm
×50 cm. Irrigation was provided manually,
by applying water to the hills of tomato plants until 7 days after
transplanting (DAT), with furrow irrigation then being used. Weeds
were controlled manually during the growing season. Nitrogen and
calcium fertilizer (15-0-0) as calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2) at rates of
1.5 kg N/ha and 2.25 kg Ca/ha, were applied at 14 days after transplanting
(DAT). Commercial N-P-K fertilizers (15-15-15) at rates
of 28.13 kg N/ha, 12.34 kg P/ha and 23.38 kg K/ha were applied at
21 DAT and N-P-K fertilizers (13-13-21) at rates of 24.38 kg N/ha,
10.75 kg P/ha and 32.69 kg K/ha at 40 DAT. For low rate chemical fertilizer
treatment, N-P-K and calcium nitrate fertilizers were applied
at half those rates