2.2. Sample collection
At 48 h after slaughter, pH was measured in M. longissimus
between the 10 and 11th rib using a Testo 230 pH
probe. A 250 mm-long section of the hindloin joint containing
the M. longissimus lumborum muscle was removed
from the left side of the carcass, posterior to the 10th rib,
and deboned. A 20 mm-thick steak was cut and the muscle
dissected free of subcutaneous adipose tissue. The muscle
sample was vacuum packed and frozen at 20 C for subsequent
analysis of vitamin E.
The remaining section of the loin was vacuum-packed
and conditioned at 1 C for a further 10 days. After this,
four 20 mm-thick steaks were cut and packed individually
in modified atmosphere packs (MAP, O2:CO2; 75:25) and
subjected to simulated retail display (4 C, 700 lux for
16 h out of 24 h). The remaining section of the conditioned
loin was frozen and stored at 20 C prior to sensory