There is a global movement toward a more naturalistic approach for childbirth
Significance to Childbirth Educators
CAM is popular worldwide, with almost half of women of reproductive age using these types of treatments (Smith et al., 201o). Birdee, Kemper, Rothman, and Gardiner (20 4) analyzed the data from the 20o7 National Health Interview Survey including only US women ages between the ages o and 49 years who were pregnant or had children less than one year old. They reported 37% of pregnant women and 28% of postpartum women reported using CAM in the last 2 months. Hastings-Tolsma and Vincent (2013) conducted a qualitative study interviewing pregnant women and nurse midwives to determine the perceptions of decision making for the use of CAM therapies. They found that there is a need for dialogue with pregnant women about CAM and CAM should be included in mainstream education programs. It is apparent that many pregnant women want more information from their childbirth educators regarding CAM and natural pain management.