1. Agroforestry course should be made an integral part of the BSc
programs in every agricultural university.
2. Credits in agroforestry should be increased in BSc agriculture and
forestry programs.
3. Curricula should be designed in an integrated manner involving other
disciplines such as horitculture, agronomy, crop physiology, soil
science, agricultural economics, extension education and rural sociology.
4. Horticultural crops, fibre crops and medicinal and aromatic plants in
agroforestry systems should be given more emphasis.
5. Wasteland utilization through different cropping models/agroforestry
systems, depending on needs of the area, should be given more importance
in education and training.
6. Agroforestry research and education in problematic soils like sodic and
acidic soils need greater attention.
7. Agroforestry education needs to be promoted by governmental agencies
through offering separate agroforestry scholarships and fellowships.
8. Courses and research should be designed in consideration of the
suitability of agroforestry systems in specific agroclimatic regions.
9. Steps should be taken to impart short- and long-term training to those
responsible for teaching agroforestry in the Agricultural Universities.
10. Summer institutes/refresher courses should be organized covering major