Level 1 Level 2 & 3 Hazardous waste Recyclable
1. Biowaste 1.1.1. Avoidable food waste No Yes
1.1.2. Unavoidable food waste No Yes
1.2.1. Sticks and branches No Yes
1.2.2. Other garden waste No Yes
1.3. Other biowaste No Yes
2. Paper 2.1. Paper packaging No Yes
2.2.1. Producer responsibility paper No Yes
2.2.2. Other recyclable non-packaging paper No Yes
2.2.3. Other non-packaging paper No No
3. Paperboard and cardboard 3.1.1. Aluminium-layered paperboard packaging No Yes
3.1.2. Other paperboard packaging No Yes
3.2. Cardboard packaging No Yes
3.3.1. Other recyclable non-packaging paperboard and cardboard No Yes
3.3.2. Other non-packaging paperboard and cardboard No No
4. Wood 4.1. Wood packaging No Yes
4.2. Treated wood Yes No
4.3.1. Construction and demolition wood No No
4.3.2. Other untreated non-packaging wood No No
5. Plastic 5.1.1. Dense plastic packaging No Yes
5.1.2. Plastic film packaging No Yes
5.2.1. Non-packaging dense plastic No Yes
5.2.2. Non-packaging plastic film No Yes
6. Glass 6.1. Glass packaging No Yes
6.2. Non-packaging glass No No
7. Metal 7.1.1. Aluminium packaging No Yes
7.1.2. Other metal packaging No Yes
7.2. Non-packaging metal No Yes
8. Textiles, shoes and bags 8.1. Shoes and bags No No
8.2.1. Clothes No Yes
8.2.2. Other textiles No Yes
9. WEEE and batteries 9.1.1. Fluorescent tubes, low energy and LED light bulbs Yes Yes
9.1.2. Other WEEE No Yes
9.2. Small batteries Yes Yes
9.3. Automotive accumulators Yes Yes
10. Hazardous chemicals 10.1. Medicines Yes No
10.2. Other hazardous chemicals Yes No
11. Miscellaneous waste 11.1. Miscellaneous packaging No No
11.2. Diapers and sanitary protectors No No
11.3.1. Other combustible waste No No
11.3.2. Rubble No No
11.3.3. Other non-combustible waste No No