The presented results show the great variety of substances that are released from room fragrance products. It also became evident during the study that these products can be substantial sources of air pollutants: Besides releasing scent substances in high concentrations, even higher concentrations could be found for some solvents. Considering the possible exposure time, which can reach weeks for the high volume diffusers, the use of such products in homes may impair indoor air quality notably. Especially because of the odorless solvents, which can easily reach mg/m3-levels in rooms, it is close to impossible for the consumer to predict the impact of such products. Even products that appear to be solventfree, like potpourris or the car diffuser, can release solvents in considerable amounts. Both passive and active diffusers can be strong sources, and there is some indication that the composition of the fragrance liquid is more important than the type of diffuser. Should