The Company’s 4Q07 results were above both our forecast
and the market consensus at the top line, however below
expectations at the NP level (regarding the details, please refer
to Figure 1). The differences in the actual results and expectations
stemmed mainly from underestimation of the Group’s expansion
impact on the financial results. The Company finalized the
Lithuanian entities and Apexim acquisitions in 4Q07. Additionally,
there were conducted works to acquire Aptekarz (this acquisition
was finalized in January 2008).
The changes in the Group’s scale resulted in consolidated
top line yoy growth of 19% in 4Q07 (it is worth to stress that
the organic growth reached c. 12% in 4Q07 being above
the whole pharmaceutical market dynamic; the domestic
pharmacies market went up by c. 9% with the hospitals up by
more than 10% yoy in 4Q07). The Company’s gross margin
on sales was almost flat yoy reaching 11% and being 1.6pp up
qoq. However, due to higher dynamics of general administration
and selling costs, the margin on sales went down in 4Q07 to 1.2%,
that is by 0.5pp (partially, it stemmed from relatively higher costs
at newly acquired entities). Due to high net debt position, which
almost doubled at the end of 2007 yoy, the Company reported
higher financial costs in 4Q07. However, lower effective tax
rate, allowed the Company to report 4Q07 consolidated NP
at PLN 26 million, 13% up yoy. The Company’s 4Q07 results were
supported by a one-off sale of real estate generating net result
of PLN 17 million. However, it is worth stressing that 4Q06 results
were also distorted by one-offs; PGF reported other operating
income of PLN 13.6 million in 4Q06 vs. PLN 18.7 million in 4Q07
(in line with our expectations).