• More than 35,000 households had received tarpaulin sheets or tents
(particularly in Eastern Samar and Leyte provinces) with efforts to reach
another 478,000 households under way; and
• About 80 per cent of people still in Tacloban City had access to clean
water and about 60,000 hygiene kits had been distributed.
This and other aid – including health care, services to protect children,
and cash transfers – have helped keep families alive, prevented
outbreaks of disease, and begun to help people to rebuild their lives. In
the context of Haiyan’s severity and the logistical challenges it created,
these are notable successes
• More than 35,000 households had received tarpaulin sheets or tents(particularly in Eastern Samar and Leyte provinces) with efforts to reachanother 478,000 households under way; and• About 80 per cent of people still in Tacloban City had access to cleanwater and about 60,000 hygiene kits had been distributed.This and other aid – including health care, services to protect children,and cash transfers – have helped keep families alive, preventedoutbreaks of disease, and begun to help people to rebuild their lives. Inthe context of Haiyan’s severity and the logistical challenges it created,these are notable successes
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