the need to consider differences in the cost of living. which is often much lom country owing to cheaper food. energy. transportation and housing;
tion are that levels of collecuve consump. higher in the where n and h care is better d the availability of services such as clean water and electricity is greater
the need for disaggregation, since average urban wage rates have little relevance for the unskilled nt.r Nevertheless, it is generally the case that migrants' prospects of economic advancement are better in the city. Although many urban dwellers live in desperate conditions, most con- sider themselves better of economically than before their move to the city. Even some of the poorest street-traders in Jakarta who could barely feed their families reported that they were better off in the city, their income levels having increased by two-thirds. Similarly some of the poorest rural migrants to Delhi found twice as many days' work in the city, resulting in levels two and a half times income those enjoyed in the village.