Article on "language is the basic communication in early childhood".
Language is an important tool for human use in communication or communication to understand each other. Based on the development process of the language. Which consists of receiving data. And the data transmission through the ideas and symbols. The language is very important to education at all levels, especially in early childhood. Language development of children aged 0 - 6 years. Is the important foundation and there is a need to develop the intellectual and the potential of the child. Child language communication ideas. Their needs with others. In addition, children's use of language is an important tool in the development of intellectual skills and develop their skills in other areas as well.
From the recorded reflection both 8 week found that Language is important to learn in the future. Language learning, help children recognize the information. When the perceived through the child language to understand and try to respond appropriately. Children learn English with English vocabulary learning thinking and comprehensive way. When you know more vocabularies Even children can enlarge the vocabulary that are more difficult and more complex. Both in learning vocabulary. And the children start to learn the concept of language tests. The concept leads to more complex. Make the children understand and learn different environment better. So the ability to use the language is the key to opening the way to the mastery of various aspects. Cause the development of cognitive development and life together and as a preschool teachers We should promote learning for young children by children can create knowledge by themselves. Stimulate demand to learn of the child. May use the principles of learning through play. The concrete experience for children. For preschool teachers should be treated accordingly to promote. Support of language learning. The teacher must have understanding of child development and learning. In nature, interests and needs of children and learn about the social context and culture children live. The teacher should play an important role in promoting language learning of children. By creating a good atmosphere for learning. Create a friendly atmosphere and warm, so that the children feel that they are part of the group and to create a sense of confidence in themselves to children. The self-confidence will result in the children have success in doing activities and tend to show more positive behavior. Promoting noticed children individually. Teachers should provide activities that parents participate activities. The culture and language at home of children into school. Accept the ability of every child.
From the integration of teaching, the 3 courses in this semester. Cause I know that language skills can. Develop since childhood, if have been introduced. Can result in children with language skills, good in the future, and also learn that the learning behavior of children. Not only learn from teachers in the classroom when the teacher. And also learn from previous experience, the child's play. And the children also learn from the behavior of the teachers expressed in various occasions which ourselves that is teacher. It will need to be good. As the extension and cultivate the values and attitudes that beauty to them.