Hello my dear friend,
Nice to hear from you in a time like this, I just wanted to thank you for the time you obtain out in your busy time to write to me and I’m so much appreciates it!
Firstly I want to apologies to you for replying you late, it is due to the nature of my work. To be honest to you my dear friend I was really lonely when I sent you my first message but I must tell you that you have waking up my spirit and it seems like I am starting life afresh. What I can say to you? Than to thank you for being a good friend and I am looking forward to have good friendship of trust.
It gives me deep joy in my heart to know some one like you however I wish to go further and deeper more in this friend relationship of trust that I feel we have just started. Please tell me how is the life over there?
I am very happy to get your response and honestly ever in my widest dream do I dream that you will reply me talk less of given me your email address. Really I ‘m glad, please can you tell me more about yourself, what are you doing for a living? How old are you? Are you married? How many time are you working in a week? Are you living with your parent? How about your family? Can you tell me more about your country?? As I shall be leting you know more about me when next I receive your reply.
I will stop here while looking forward to hear from you soon. Thank you and take good care of yourself,
From Yours friend, MR. Prince Brown