NTRODUCTION Elite oil palm hybrids are extremely responsive to
The modified reciprocal recurrent selection scheme in bunch yield [4-6]. Contemporary agricultural
adopted by the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research technology demand cultivars with satisfactory stable
(NIFOR) for oil palm improvement has continued to be an mean yields. This would be achieved by selecting for
effective breeding procedure; contributing significantly to specific adaptation to locations endowed with peculiar
the healthy growth of the oil palm industry in Nigeria. The environmental conditions [7]. The vast oil palm germplasm
complementation of this conventional breeding method available to NIFOR is fundamental for such a crop
with novel approaches involving molecular breeding and improvement programme.
tissue culture will play a vital role in accelerating the Consequently, this study was set up with the
breeding programme and production of novel planting aim of evaluating the performance of the Deli dura
materials with high genetic diversity for commercial parents in second cycle breeding and selection
planting as well as seed production [1]. Remarkably, programme with a view of selecting new Deli parents for
the Deli dura introductions from South East Asia have inclusion in the next cycle of NIFOR oil palm breeding
played a dominant role in oil palm breeding and selection programme.
programme because of its unique and excellent bunch
weight and fruit quality traits [2]. With the recognition of MATERIALS AND METHODS
the advantages of Deli dura over the African dura in the
production of hybrid tenera, it became imperative to The materials used in this research comprise five
increase the sources of Deli introductions to enhance the Deli dura parents viz: NIFOR ex UP Malaya, NIFOR ex
prospect of progress from selection within the Deli Serdang Avenue, Ulu Remis Deli ex Sabah, NIFOR ex
populations. The current NIFOR Deli materials are based Serdang Avenue x La Me and Equador Deli. These
on the selection and introgression of 5Deli dura parents were evaluated in the test cross population of
sources from Serdang Avenue, United Plantations, IRHO the NIFOR second cycle modified reciprocal recurrent
(ex Pobe and ex La Me) and Banting [3]. selection programme.