10.1.3 Uncerta inties and spread of CapEx
There are a number of assumptions, uncertainties, and
different quotes that cause a spread from the base cost.
For the desired scenario consisting of: a 100 km Array
with a 10 year limited life, geared to capture 7,000 tons
of plastic with a 45% efficiency rate, each item on the list
of capital expenditures deviates from the base cost by its
own percentage to provide a best/worst case. These can
also be seen in Figure 10.8. For the total initial CapEx, the
outlay of € 180.2 million is estimated to range between €
147.9 million (best-case) and € 202.7 million (worst-case).
This is a spread consisting of an 18% decrease and 12%
increase, respectively. from the base cost which attempts
to demonstrate the range of the anticipated costs.