What you have all created now is an activation of a much large number of frequencies to partake in on your Earth Gaia to simply start to be implemented in you daily realities as well. These large frequencies are tones and vibrational waves that no man can see with their naked eyes, they can only perceive them through the vibrational spinning of the heart magnitude.
You have simply modified your personal bridges and that of the Earth to another frequency which uplifts you all and awakens the hearts of many on this Earth. The old bridges have fallen down, you will all come to see this take place in your Earthly lives sooner or later but in the realms of Cause or the Ethereal worlds all old bridges have been removed.
What you have applied for will be yours as there is no way back to this old space of time. Your hearts have given you the opportunity to make the change come forth from within, and now that leaves you no other way than to apply this, isn’t that so?! Gladly so, as you have been given many opportunities before as they are endless but not such like these on this particular way! You have set a new marker and all the energies you have anchored ~ and still are ~ are of such a power that it serves for years to come! Imagine how potent this is right now to you all, for a million more of your fellow stellar family on Earth have opened the door in their hearts to return to their homes, their natural state of awakening. (Merlin means hereby that one million sleeping souls have experienced a heart portal activation and opening to awakening on this day)