This paper differs from previous examinations of organizational learning in that it is
broader in scope and more evaluative of the literatures. Four constructs related to organizational
learning (knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information interpretation,
and organizational memory) are articulated, and the literatures related to each are described
and critiqued.
The literature on knowledge acquisition is voluminous and multi-faceted, and so the
knowledge acquisition construct is portrayed here as consisting of five subconstructs or
subprocesses: (1) drawing on knowledge available at the organization's birth, (2) learning
from experience, (3) learning by observing other organizations, (4) grafting on to itself
components that possess knowledge needed but not possessed by the organization, and (5)
noticing or searching for information about the organization's environment and performance.
Examination of the related literatures indicates that much has been learned about learning
from experience, but also that there is a lack of cumulative work and a lack of integration of
work from different research groups. Similarly, much has been learned about organizational
search, but there is a lack of conceptual work, and there is a lack of both cumulative work
and syntheses with which to create a more mature literature. Congenital learning, vicarious
learning, and grafting are information acquisition subprocesses about which relatively little
has been learned.
The literature concerning information distribution is rich and mature, but an aspect of
information distribution that is central to an organization's benefitting from its learning,
namely how units that possess information and units that need this information can find each
other quickly and with a high likelihood, is unexplored. Information interpretation, as an
organizational process, rather than an individual process, requires empirical work for further
advancement. Organizational memory is much in need of systematic investigation, particularly
by those whose special concerns are improving organizational learning and decision making.
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a more complete understanding of
organizational learning. The paper elaborates four constructs integrally linked to
organizational learning (knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information
interpretation, and organizational memory) and describes needs and opportunities for
further research and for integration of work already completed. It differs from
previous examinations of organizational learning (Hedberg 1981; Shrivastava 1983;
FioI and Lyles 1985; Levitt and March 1988) in that it is broader in the scope of its
subject matter and it evaluates the literatures more critically. In particular, the paper
notes and attempts to explain the general lack of cumulative work and the lack of
synthesis of work from different research groups. It also notes that thus far only a
very small proportion of the work is presented in forms and forums that give it social
or administrative value.
Intentional learning is the focal process in the lives of scientists and educators.
Small wonder that when organizational scientists think about organizational learning,
they often think of it as an intentional process directed at improving effectiveness.
The prominence of this instrumental perspective in the managerial literature (Porter