The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) invites applications from ISTA Members to host the ISTA Annual Meeting 2017, the ISTA Annual Meeting 2018 or the 32nd ISTA Congress 2019 in their country.
For the ISTA Annual Meetings 2017 and 2018, the application for hosting can be submitted by the ISTA Designated Authority or an ISTA Member Laboratory. The application should be submitted no later than January 2015.
For the ISTA Congress 2019, the application may be submitted only by the ISTA Designated Authority nominated by the government of the respective country. The application should be submitted no later than May 2015.
The guidelines below will provide a first impression of the requirements for hosting an ISTA event. The ISTA Executive Committee will select the host from the applications received.
We would be delighted if your government would consider this invitation favourably in support of the activities of the Association, and if this consideration results in an application to host one of the coming annual ISTA events.
With kind regards,
Beni Kaufman
ISTA Secretary General