i have always been a very good swimmer - i could swim when i was four years old - and i love spending time at the beach. i had to find a job where i would spend a lot of time outside. one day i saw an advertisement in a magazine for people to train as lifeguards. they wanted people who were able to swim 400 meters in 8 minutes, who were very fit and who were quick to act in an emergency. i applied and was offered the chance to take the training course.
what did the training involve?
we had to learn about first aid, hoe to recognize when someone was in danger and, of course, how to rescue people.
what is a typical day like?
well, one of the things that's great about being a lifeguard is that there is no such thing as a typical day. my job is always one of two extremes - very dull or very chaotic! you must have a lot of patience to be a lifeguard. you have to be alert and ready for the unexpected, even when it's very boring.
what would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming a lifeguard?
i would tell them that it's not always exciting. there are some boring days, and you often get really tired, but it's still the best job in the world!