NSM rods. The first was debonding of the FRP bars by
splitting of the epoxy cover and cracking of the surrounding
concrete. However, the failure can be prevented by anchoring
the FRP rods in the beam flange or the use of inclined rods at
a sufficiently close spacing to achieve longer total bond
length. The other failure mode was found to be splitting
cracks along the longitudinal reinforcement and can be solved
by adding steel stirrups.
Debonding of FRP rods and tensile rupture of the NSM
reinforcement were among the common failure mode of RC
beams strengthened using NSM technique. A more ductile
behaviour of two-way slabs strengthened with NSM CFRP
rods was observed as compared to the EB technique [8]. In the
present study, a series of comparative studies in terms of
structural behaviour under flexure between RC beams
strengthened with NSM GFRP bars and those with EB CFRP
sheet were conducted.